Taylor 4th Ward Flag Routes

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This is Getting Ridiculous.

All right, all right, so my whole "one post per week" thing has been almost as successful as Congress lately. Lately being since the second weekend of August. I seriously have meant to keep this thing updated, but it just isn't happening so much.

Of course, that changes today.

Why today? Well, since I just compared my ability to update my blog with the ability of the United States Congress to accomplish anything, it only makes sense that I actually start being consistent on the day that Congress finally got the bail-out bill passed. That's right, earlier today the House finally pushed the 700 Billion Dollar monster through and saved us all. Right?

I understand that there were a few "concessions" made on either side. Apparently, the original document was amended somewhat, and went from three pages to just over 400. They had to make sure all the important groups out there are being taken care of during these difficult times. In the end, the benefits in the new bill included groups critical to the stability of our economic infrastructure such as wine bottlers and wooden arrow makers. Finally, somebody's thinking of the children! So take a deep breath, everybody, because it's all going to be okay. The stock market just closed and hey-- the Dow only dropped 157 points.

In all seriousness, I know that we do need to take action to fix the mess we're in, it just becomes frustrating when the emergency bail-out bill gets loaded down with more pork than a farm in Milford. But the gloom and doom of our economy is not what I'm going to complain about today. That's much too depressing, and it's a lot more fun to rant about things that don't really matter.

However, as I don't have much of a topic for today, I don't know if I'm going to go much further than this. I considered a few different things, but the one that came the closest was my frustration with the way the instructions for a model boat I'm trying to put together have been translated from Japanese. I think I'll save that one for later; it's a lot to take in and I don't want to wear you all out. (Notice me speaking as if someone were actually reading this)

Anyway, I'm going to try and keep up with the Friday thing. We'll see.


Rina said...

I'm reading it. I've got you on my feed list so anytime you update I'm all over it! Brad is asleep in the couch or I'd have him come over and read it too.