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Kasey's Random List of Christmas

I suppose that in order to keep all things in balance, it makes sense to throw in a few mindless raves here and there. With that in mind, I'm going to rave rather than rant this evening, and what better to rave about on December 21st (Happy Winter Solstice, by the way) than Christmas?

Christmas is just great. My last day of work for 2007 was yesterday, and now I'm taking a break until January 2nd. That makes 12 days (well, now I'm down to 11) of just unwinding and letting the past year go. And what better way to spend a Christmas break than partaking in all kinds of Christmas traditions? If you're Kasey, then it doesn't get much better than that. So for tonight's post, I'm going to list (in no particular order) every single Christmas tradition that I can think of. Put on your seatbelts, folks.

Kasey's Christmas Tradition List

1. Chocolate Advents Calendars
. Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade
3. Getting a Christmas Tree
4. Putting up the lights
5. Festival of Trees
6. Temple Square Lights
7. Christmas Specials
8. Christmas Cards
9. Going to see the "Nutcracker Suite"
10. Christmas Village in Ogden
11. Going to "Sandy's" after going to Christmas Village (This one's fairly new)
12. Christmas Movies
13. Caroling
14. The Ward Christmas Program
15. Snow!
16. Christmas Decorations in General
17. Christmas Music
18. Amy and I have a "12 Days of Christmas" tradition
19. Taking Gifts Around
20. Helping Out Those in Need
21. Driving Around to See Christmas Lights
22. The Local Live Christmas Pageant
23. Christmas Eve Eve!
24. Gingerbread Houses
25. Gingerbread Cookies
26. Sugar Cookies
27. Fudge
28. Nuts, Mints, and Other Random Treats
29. Hickory Farms - Cheese and Summer Sausage (Why isn't it WINTER sausage?)
30. Tracking Santa on Christmas Eve (Yes, I'm a map nerd)
31. Making Christmas Lists
32. Christmas Shopping
33. Wrapping Presents
34. Using Funny Names on Gift Tags for Amy
35. Anxiety! (Can't wait 'til Christmas...)
36. Taking time off from work/school
37. My Christmas Puzzle (It's halfway done right now...)
38. Nativity Scenes
39. The Hansen Family Christmas Eve Program
40. Christmas Morning - Organized chaos! It's great.

Well, that's a start. I may append a few more on later if anything else comes to mind. In the meantime, have a Merry Christmas, everybody!