Because it's There!
One post a week, right? Crap. This explains why I'm four years behind in my journal writing. Well, I just posted an update of our visit to Grace on our "main" blog site (yes, the quotes are indicating sarcasm. Amy hasn't posted anything on that site since she created it) so I guess by posting here as well I'm filling my quota for the last couple of weeks. Maybe. Anyway, on to today's rant...
Hiking! I love hiking! I've already been on two or three good hikes this spring, and I fully plan on hiking up to Malan's Peak tomorrow morning. I've been up to Malan's once per year for the last three summers, and I intend to keep the record up. The last three visits have all been July or August hikes, so this one will be quite a bit earlier in the season. I have planned out so many crazy hikes, camping trips, vacations and so forth this year that I actually have to hike Malan's tomorrow or next Saturday, or it likely won't happen (before Labor Day, anyway!) .
Let me bring you up to speed. Amy hates this part.
Either this weekend or next weekend I'm hiking Malan's. The following weekend (2nd weekend in June) I'm planning on taking anybody in my Elders Quorum who will go with me to hike up Lewis Peak. The third weekend in June Amy I will be (hopefully) going to Bear Lake. The last weekend in June will be the Ward/Elders Quorum camping trip at North Fork Park.
Then we're into July. The first weekend of July will be the 4th of July weekend in Grace, Idaho. The second week of July we go to Ohio for 8 days for Amy's cousin's wedding. The third weekend in July I'm doing an Elders Quorum pancake breakfast activity. The fourth weekend in July is Amy's birthday, and it's the one weekend this summer I haven't dared make any plans.
Hey, we've made it to August. The first weekend is the Grace fair, so we'll take Anne up to see the parades and animals. The second weekend in August I'll be in San Diego for a GIS conference for work. The third weekend in August will be our Elders Quorum backpacking trip to White Pine Lake up above Logan Canyon, and the fourth weekend will be my JUB/GMI backpacking trip to Amethyst Lake in the Uintas.
And just like that, Labor Day weekend has arrived. See? I told you! And I can keep going if you would like (Amy groans). That weekend I'm putting sod down in my backyard and watching college football. The following weekend I'm just watching college football. I'll quit now.
Isn't my life great? I just love summertime for all the hiking, backpacking, camping and traveling that goes on. Amy hates every single one of the afore mentioned items, so I guess we balance each other out. But it's all good.
I guess this rant really turned out to be rave. And, fittingly enough, I will end this rave about hiking (that somehow became sidetracked and transmogrified into a discourse on how Kasey plans way too many activities in advance) by talking about hiking. I've already hiked up to Hidden Valley (above Taylor Canyon) and up Coldwater Canyon this spring, and I still have so many others I want to accomplish this year, including Ben Lomond, Mt. Ogden, Frary Peak, and good old Waterfall Canyon. But I think my schedule's a bit tight.